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A Brief History of the SAT Vocabulary Question

The SAT’s approach to testing vocabulary has evolved over the years, from analogies to sentence completions to vocabulary-in-context questions, with the recent digital version bringing back sentence completions while retaining context-based questions.

What is Desmos—and how does it relate to the digital SAT?  

The Desmos calculator is a key feature of the digital SAT’s math section, offering advanced functions and leveling the playing field for all test-takers. Learn how Academic Approach integrates Desmos into our curriculum to prepare students for success.

Beyond Academic Skills: Soft Skills, Grit, and Building a Growth Mindset

The high-stakes nature of college entrance exams is, unsurprisingly, a tough moment for many students. This feeling of dread isn’t inevitable—there’s more we as educators can do to make this moment one of triumph, not despair. That means not just preparing our students for the skills assessed on the test, but also preparing them for the emotional challenge of preparing for high-stakes tests.