Looking for one-on-one tutoring?


Academic Approach offers schools tailored online and in-person preparation courses designed to bolster student confidence and skill mastery. Led by your school’s staff or our seasoned instructors, each course is a blend of high-impact strategies and personalized techniques, ensuring students are not just prepared but empowered for test day.

Classroom Courses

Helping schools and their students excel through our suite of services

ACT Test Preparation

SAT Test Preparation

HSEE Test Preparation

Math Enrichment

Our Approach to Test Prep Courses:

  • Partnership with Schools: We collaborate with educational institutions and organizations to deliver our programs to 7th-11th graders.
  • Expert Instruction: Our highly-trained, expert instructors deliver courses online or in person. 
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Each course equips students with up to three full-length practice tests.
  • Customized Learning: Our course syllabus is customized for each group of students based on diagnostic test results and weekly mastery quizzes. 
  • Flexible Scheduling: Institutions have the freedom to choose when courses are held, with options spanning regular school hours, after-school, or on weekends.

Our approach is what sets us apart

Tests might be standardized, but your students aren't

At Academic Approach, our methodologies are founded on evidence-based, data-driven practices designed to maximize student performance.