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High School Entrance Exams Preparation for Schools

Our High School Admissions Classroom Courses are designed to guide your middle school students through the high school entrance exams. We offer tailored courses that feature a blend of assessments, curriculum, and personalized instruction to cultivate proficiency across crucial academic areas, and ensure a higher chance of successful admissions. 

SSAT? HSPT? We handle the acronyms. You see the growth.

Applying for high school can sometimes be more complicated than applying for college. Our customizable High School Admissions Classroom Courses provide data-driven instruction specifically designed to target the top areas for student growth on all major High School Entrance Exams (HSEE). Even better, our courses help students build confidence and reduce test stress, ensuring that they are well-prepared for high school. 

Our Approach

Whether accessed online or in-person, our HSEE classroom courses (SSAT, ISEE, HSPT, SHSAT, or CPS HSAT) are led by seasoned Academic Approach instructors.

The journey begins with an insightful diagnostic assessment, conducted to evaluate your students’ skills across a multitude of topics and question types. This data-driven method enables us to identify their strengths and areas for growth.

Guided by this information, our experts curate a high-impact classroom syllabus, specifically designed to enhance HSEE scores and nurture critical academic skills that are crucial for high school success.

Our HSEE Prep Courses Include:

Practice Tests

Full length practice tests provide a detailed diagnostic of each student’s strengths and weaknesses.

Classroom Instruction

20 hours of class instruction taught by our seasoned instructors, either online or at your school.


Each syllabus targets the high growth areas of the class, and provides rigorous practice.

+1,000 Practice Questions

Our course materials include thousands of practice questions, which provide plenty of opportunities for students to test their mastery of certain skills.

Skill Focus

By taking a skills-based approach to instruction, we ensure students are able to transfer all of the knowledge they acquire in our HSEE courses to their current and future classrooms. 

Sample Course Materials

Our HSEE course materials are crafted by our team of  instructional experts. Each resource is purposefully designed for teacher ease-of-use and to aid student mastery of essential HSEE and high school readiness skills. 

For more samples, please contact us.

HSEE Coursebook Sample

Each student receives their own digital course manual.

Middle School Syllabus

Each sllyabus is customized by student data and course length.

Sample Tester HSEE

Teachers and students receive detailed score reports that track student progress.

About Our Curriculum


The material covered by each HSEE overlaps significantly. We take advantage of this by synthesizing subject matter and question types from across the spectrum of high school entrance exams to ensure that your students gain the proficiencies they desire, whether specific to one exam or applicable to multiple exams.


Our programs are crafted to bridge the gap between students’ current knowledge and advanced academic challenges, all with the goal of scaffolding towards high school readiness. With every lesson, students deepen their foundation, building upon what they already know. Every stage in their learning is a structured elevation, cementing previous understanding while ushering in new insight.


Research shows that many middle schoolers are not provided rigorous grade-level work in their classrooms, leading to gaps in students’ ability to succeed in high school. Our rigorous curriculum and focus on essential skills prepare students not only for the HSEE but also for high school level courses.


Leveraging a data-driven approach to instruction, we pinpoint the most crucial skills for each student’s success on high school entrance exams. Our customized course syllabi reflect the specific verbal, reading, math, and grammar knowledge for which students will be responsible.

An Overview of the Exams

Required by Parochial Schools (Loyola Academy, St. Ignatius College Prep, etc.)

Required by Independent Schools (Dalton, Fieldston, Francis W.Parker, University of Chicago Laboratory School, The Latin School of Chicago, etc.)

Ready to elevate your school's HSEE performance?

Let's make a difference—together.